Ensure your class success with the cutting edge student management platform

Get an Early Access

Coming up in 2026. Ready To Try?

Apply now and get access to test beta version for free!

Use your chance!

1242 teachers are already on the waiting list!

  • Organize student groups

    Create online classes in a few easy steps and add your students. Customize and keep monitoring the entire student lifecycle. Get quick access to the full info of your students and easily track their progress.

  • Store homework tasks

    Add spreadsheets, videos and manage all your learning materials. Ensure a superior user experience to your students by automating their learning experience: assign homework, schedule tasks, etc.

  • Connect with students

    Provide students with everything they need to help them nail your class. Give assistance, share feedback, discuss the tasks and improve your teaching experience across grades and subjects.

A brand new approach to student management


Simple and accessible

Access the platform from any device, including your phone. User-friendly design combined with support tools will facilitate and transform your workflow.

A brand new approach to student management

  • Simple and accessible

    Access the platform from any device, including your phone. User-friendly design combined with support tools will facilitate and transform your workflow.

    Simple and accessible
  • All learning content at your fingertips

    Keep all tasks in your personal cabinet. Create learning materials, set alerts and evaluate the effectiveness via data-driven analytics tools.

    All learning content at your fingertips
  • Homework sharing automation

    Share homework, notes, presentations, learning materials and advise books to simplify the learning experience for your students and help them succeed in your subject.

    Homework sharing automation
  • Personalized approach

    Get notified of who needs your feedback and provide it instantly. Encourage students to collaborate with each other. Create discussion groups and add students.

    Personalized approach

Ready to upgrade your teaching practice?

Sign up for the GeeklyHub platform and you will get a chance to use all awesome features. It's completely free of charge.

Students enjoy the functionality of GeeklyHub, so will you!

See what they are saying:

  • I didn't even know that there is a place where I can find so many good experts in nursing! They complied with my deadline and followed all my requirements to the dot. That’s the quality of service I’d like to receive everywhere now!
  • They are the best! All I asked was timely and before the deadline, and they answered all my questions. I was in control of what is going on with my task, and that’s great! My assignment was tough, so the situation at all was very desperate — I’m happy that all resolved on my favor at GeeklyHub!!!
  • LIVE SAVERS! I’m still learning English, and my Geek was very helpful and polite! Before GeeklyHub, I used to study all day long, and now I have enough time to explore Boston and learn customs and life of townspeople.
  • It’s so cool to have a place where I can find a reliable person to figure out my problems at school! Will recommend them to my friends and come again by myself later!

Learn about your subscription options after our platform is publicly launched!

  • Teachers/Tutors


    3 weeks of a trial period


    after trial period


    for a year subscription

  • Educational Establishments

    Interested in purchasing a subscription for the GeeklyHub platform to upgrade the practice of your employees? Apply to learn more info on the corporate subscription and payment options!

    Fill out the Application

Is my private data safe and secure?

We process your personal data in accordance with current applicable data protection legislation. Your personal information will not be shared with other individuals or organizations without your permission, including public enterprises, corporations or individuals, except when applicable by law. We do not sell, communicate or divulge your information to any third parties.

How much should I pay to use a Beta version?

After filling out an application for the waiting list you get notified when the Beta version is released. It's completely free of charge to test it out: no CC info required. However, we would appreciate your feedback.

When will the final version be released?

The public launch date for the GeeklyHub collaboration platform for teachers is planned for 2019. We are working hard to create a unique product that empowers teachers and institutions to take advantage of new features and capabilities in terms of the study process management.